January 9, 2007

My day job...

Besides for the discounts and comradarie with my fellow geniuses, I really love working for the big A. The pay is great and they are on TOP of the technology game, 100%, and thats no bullshit! Today was the annual MacWorld event and the CEO dropped a well rumored bomb on everybody, the introduction of the iPhone. Rod is shitty because Cingular got the contract instead of T-Mobile but fuck it, the iPhone is going to outsell any other cellphone to date, I'd bet a mill on that, so you better jump on the bandwagon (if you ain't on it already!) Apple TV is dope too, ships in February so go grab that!

You might see me rolling in the Skoolcraft/Sneak Attack (i.e. tour bus, people mover, mobile office, storage space) van once in awhile, if you see me honk!! (you probably wouldnt know because its unmarked, just like the Feds son!) I picked up season 1&2 of Different Strokes and season 1 of Martin (must have!!) Gary Coleman used to be my favorite actor growing up. I know he didn't really GROW up like he was supposed to, but he still gets props for being that n!gga!!

The gear is in stores!!! If you HURRY you might get a chance to grab the newest offering from your boys!! Check out the following shops to grab that fire!!

5&A Dime


Pharmacy Boardshop (Las Vegas)